Hi folks!
I know, I haven't updated this page in awhile. Sorry.
I have gotten 3 vids up {all 3 are getting quite high counts actually. Very surprised and happy! I love that people see my videos!}
A little update first, before I talk about VIB Rouge challege {as mentioned in title}
Matt's and my trip to Mexico is just about paid off! Just in time, I'm trying to start Christmas shopping. The trip isn't until February, but we wanted to be finished saving for it before Christmas so we could buy stuff for people and then have time to save some spending money.
Anyways, so there's that.
I haven't entirely decided on all the gifts, but I have a general idea on what I'm getting people. Unfortunately I can't even post anything on them because I know a few people will be read this!
Now to explain about the VIB Rouge challenge .... it's not a real challenge, it's something I made up myself. It is extravagant, because it's spending $1,000 in a calendar year.
No, I don't plan on spending it ALL on myself. Actually I did the math, I've got about $500 I could easily spend on myself. That does mean I will be buying people stuff from Sephora for gifts.
Why am I trying to do this? Mainly to see if I could. I qualify for VIB by September every year, and that's not even always buying what I want. {VIB = $350 per calendar year}
I've done the math for this challenge. I must spend approx $83
FAQs {well maybe not, but before people ask ...}
1 - Why?
- well, like I mentioned before, it's more to see if I can
2 - Are you planning on spending it all on yourself?
- haha, no. I completely plan on buying things for other people. People have birthdays and Christmas next year will be useful.
3 - How can you afford it?
- well fun fact, I actually do get a decent pay cheque. Sephora things will be least of my priorities per month, but I already have done budget.
4 - Does this mean you'll be doing more videos?
- Yes! My goal is to buy more makeup to do more videos.
5 - Are you going to do videos/reviews on the stuff you buy?
- Maybe not a "monthly Sephora haul" idea, I may do that every couple months. Reviews for sure. However, a few products I've used before so I may not review those. There's lots of things I want to get though .... I will definitely try to review things!
6 - You mention about things you want to buy .... does this VIB Rouge affect that?
- Yes and no. Like I said, I've budgeted this and if a few months I can't spend what I originally anticipated, then I don't. I am looking at buying a couch, desk and possibly new mattress.
So that's the low-down on my VIB Rouge challenge! If I get something and you're interested in seeing it used or a review, let me know!
You should make a YouTube video about what makeup products someone on a budget can save on without hating, and which expensive items really are worth investing in because they're so much better.