Thursday, January 24, 2013

What in the World of Fashion is "Dressy Casual" !?

Hey everyone!

You've heard it. I've heard it. Maybe some of you have said it, but what in the world of fashion does "dressy casual" even MEAN!?

Let me break it down for you.
Simplest terms, it means no jeans.

This paragraph kind of sums it up for you

"There are many dress code policies that depend upon location, time and place. Deciphering these codes can be tricky, especially when there is not a general consensus on appropriate attire. The easiest way to decide what to wear to a specific event is to rule out what not to wear. One rule all can agree on is the importance of clean clothes that are in good condition."

Read more: What Is Dressy Casual Attire? |

Now, my dears, why am I posting about this? What importance does this have?

To be honest, it does play factor in future tutorials/makeup, fashion and blogging.
I just aquired a new job that requires this kind of dress.

I plan on doing more fashion videos also .... think "look book" idea.

My idea for this is simple. Dress professional but fun. I'm only 25yrs old so I want to look profession with style and nothing that's going to waiver my age, since I do typically look young for my age.

It will definately start with a haul video - since I plan on getting a few key items - then maybe some Outfit of the Day pictures. Maybe a couple videos if there is time. Winter is also not the easiest time to do anything fashion related but to give you any idea.
Since 2013's colour [according to Pantone Universe] is "Emerald" then I do want to try to incorperate it a few ways.
Being trendy doesn't mean breaking the budget. Neither does being stylish.

Makeup tutorials, I plan on doing some fun ones that are still work appropriate.
Colour, liner, simple.

One thing I am looking forward to, is that because my hours are more stable I will be able to plan things like videos and even meals! [which some I may even record!]

Regardless, 2013 is going to have some fun things happening.

